The 'Leftover' Sandwich


Piqualé is based in the small but wonderful State of Delaware. Home to some unique traditions like Punkin’ Chunkin, President-elect Joe Biden, and something that AOL once called the best sandwich in the United States, ‘The Bobbie.’

Launched years ago by another Delaware native family, The Capriottis, The Bobbie is fresh turkey, mayo, stuffing and cranberry sauce on a sub roll. And yes, Sub is the correct way to say it.

We won’t be eating any turkey around here, but why miss out on a good sandwich? We swapped out the turkey for Deliciou plant-based chicken, and added in some dried sage for a more turkey-like flavor. Feel free to substitute any protein you like, including our Piqualé plant-based meatloaf.

The ‘Leftover’ Sandwich



  1. Grab a sub roll in one hand.

  2. Slap some Mayo inside.

  3. Layer in Protein, Stuffing and top with Cranberry sauce.

  4. Get a bunch of napkins and enjoy.

Vegan, EntreeNic NicholsVegan