Gluten Free Vegan Tacos


What is Gluten and why do people avoid it? Gluten is a family of storage proteins found in many grains like wheat, barley and rye. Some people are sensitive to these proteins and create a gluten-free diet. With any elimination diet your shopping list can become complex and specific, so could you create an easy gluten-free vegan taco in one stop with just a handful of ingredients?*

After checking out Make it Dairy Free’s Trader Joe’s haul on YouTube, we stopped by our local Joe’s and grabbed a few ingredients. Soy Chorizo would be the protein, Cashew Fiesta Cheese and Mango Jicama slaw for toppings and in lieu of corn or flour wraps, we grabbed some Jicama Wraps. At only 15 calories each, these are not only gluten-free but very low calorie as well.

Sauté the Soy Chorizo per the package instructions and while that is cooking, mix the contents of the slaw in a large bowl. Transfer the Cashew Fiesta dip to a microwave safe bowl and heat for about a minute, stirring occasionally. Prep any other fillings you’d like to add, we’re tossing on our Pickled Jalapeños, some fresh white onion and micro cilantro.

Fill to your liking and top with Piqualé Original Scotch Bonnet Mango sauce, a great compliment to the Mango Slaw.


* This is not a paid endorsement or ad of any kind, we just like trying new Vegan stuff and keeping you up to date with products we think you can smother with Piqualé.
